Adults struggle with anxiety, depression, attention difficulties, mood changes, irritability and anger, "feeling stuck", and have difficulty adjusting to life changes; good & bad. Oftentimes difficult to control emotions or reactions are connected to or related to difficulties experienced in childhood. All people are doing the best they can in every situation they face, but can feel that something isn't right or unsure of what they want or how best to move forward. Family changes, work stress, empty nesting, job changes, financial stressors, retirement worries, and relationship struggles. We will talk through and draw from various therapeutic models individualized to you and your needs; including EMDR Therapy to reprocess and desensitize distressful emotions during this challenging time in your life.
Out of Control
Emotions & Moods
Many adults struggle with out of control moods, mood changes, problematic relationships, or emotional responses to situations that keep them from thinking clearly in the moment. These struggles may be new or a pattern learned or developed in childhood when presented with painful of confusing experiences. We can improve your ability to manage your emotions & moods by identifying underlying causes and attending to them. We will draw from various therapeutic models individualized to you and your needs; including the use of EMDR Therapy (reprocessing & desensitizing distressful emotions/memories) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT); learning specific skills to better manage emotional responses.
Illness, Caregiving, & Health Professionals
It is difficult to enjoy life when overwhelmed by health related struggles. Medical illness frequently leads to depression and anxiety not previously experienced or which is worsened. Those taking on the care of a loved one and health professionals may struggle with mood, energy, and emotional burnout. Confusing emotions are often experienced by patients, caregivers, and professionals; despair, fatigue, joy in small things/moments, exhaustion, loneliness, rewarded by giving/caring for others in need, frustration, helplessness, and anger. We will talk through what this means for you, your family, your career, and how to best navigate daily life and achieve goals.
Reproductive Mental Health & Birth Related Trauma
It can be difficult when thinking of or trying to get pregnant, feeling anxious or depressed during pregnancy, experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, OCD, or other mental health illnesses, fertility challenges, miscarriages, still births, complications in child birth, or being parents of infants currently or previously in the NICU or hospital. We can talk through the troublesome experiences and draw from various therapeutic models individualized to you; including the use of EMDR Therapy to reprocess and desensitize distressful emotions and facilitate adaptive thinking.
Parenting Stressors, & Parenting Beyond Childhood Trauma
"Starting or growing a family", although expected to be a joyful experience, brings with it unavoidable adjustments, physiological recovery, sleep & nutrition deprivation, relationship changes, losses of "myself as a person" before parenthood, time for yourself, partner, & friends, balancing home/family & work expectations, possible re-emergence of trauma experienced in childhood, and mood struggles. We will talk through and draw from various therapeutic models individualized to you; including EMDR Therapy to reprocess and desensitize distressful emotions, learn to adapt to changes, discover realistic expectations, and enhance the joys in parenting.
Parenting Children Through Illness
Being a parent of a child who experiences health concerns can feel isolating even with family & friends for support. Each day may feel overwhelming as your child and his/her siblings experience varying illness-related, emotional, and developmental needs. Navigating necessary resources can be extremely frustrating. We will talk through and draw from various therapeutic models individualized to you and enhancing the joys in parenthood.
Today is the day to take a step...For You.
Jodi L Gentleman, LCSW, LIMHP
A Friendly Ear & Insightful Therapy, LLC
Jodi L Gentleman
Professional Experience
Jodi L Gentleman has extensive experience as a Medical Social Worker and Mental Health Therapist in assisting adults (partners/caregivers) through various life struggles, transitions, medical and mental health concerns, and traumatic experiences; past & present, parenting struggles; work-life balance, relationship and family changes, and parenting a child experiencing health conditions.
Jodi also specializes in Reproductive Related Psychotherapy for women (and partners) experiencing mental health symptoms prior to, during, and after pregnancy; Perinatal and Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, other Mood issues, complex or unexpected delivery/birth difficulties/trauma, miscarriages, fertility challenges, infant loss, re-emerging childhood related trauma, mental health & medical illness, and role adjustment. Jodi works closely with involved medication providers for those utilizing combination therapy(s).
Bachelor of Psychology
University of Iowa
Since earning a Bachelor of Psychology, Jodi continues to learn and appreciate intricacies of human psychology, behavior, motivation, thoughts, and underlying adaptations to trauma, disappointment, and joy of individuals and families in diverse communities & various stages of life. Humans do what they know to do at any given time; often reflecting to learn different ways to adapt or cope for future similar situations. Learning about ourselves is a continual journey. Jodi intentionally applies knowledge learned through study, research, and day to day interactions with others in over 25 years of Social Work & Mental Health Therapy.
Master of Social Work
University of Iowa
Since earning a Master of Social Work Jodi remains rewarded and engaged in assisting others; whether it be through demonstrating compassion and genuineness, sharing or utilizing professional expertise, or wielding a hybrid of both. Jodi is purposeful in engaging people in unique ways specific to each to improve their present circumstances, understanding of the past, allows for positive adjustments for future situations, encourages validation of each person's value, and instructs the application of skillful strategies for each person's improved mood or perspective. Jodi's primary goal each session is for that person(s) to feel validated, heard, and appreciated even when processing painful experiences.
Specialized Training
"Stress Management
and Resiliency Training" (SMART)
Jodi incorporates SMART meditation, mindfulness, nutrition, restorative sleep, physical exercise, and positive cognitive strategies and information into therapy sessions to reduce stress effects on mind and body.
Wise Mind
More Resiliency
Less Stress
Eye Movement Desensitization
and Reprocessing(EMDR)
Jodi L Gentleman has completed extensive training in utilizing EMDR and Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) with visual, audio, and tactile methods for traumatic experiences resolution regarding emotions, memories, somatic (body) sensations, and thought adaptations.
Jodi incorporates EMDR along with Butterfly Tapping into therapy sessions to reduce emotional and physical effects of recent and past events on mind & body.